Order Info



  • Cyclesight is 100% American designed and assembled
  • Cyclesight is protected by U.S. patent #11,198,399
  • Cycling Designs operates as a virtual company with its president in southern California, marketing in Florida and northern California and engineering in Utah, southern California, and northern California. Advisors are located in Central California, Southern California, Oregon and Washington state.
  • A few of us have been hit. A few more of us have seen a bad accident. Still more of us have heard of a bad accident. This became even more real when my sister-in-law was medevac’d after being hit by a large pickup truck.
  • For those of you who have been hit, we want to do something special. Tell us about you accident.
  • For those of you who are concerned for your safety, welcome to my world. Cyclesight can help.
  • If you know of someone who won’t ride because they fear getting hit from behind, please send them the link to this website.

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“We’ve got your back”